Thursday 11 September 2014

How do we search and What is PR (Page Rank)?

Now the question is how to use Google or Bing or Yahoo to search your desired website or blog? The first thing is that if you know the name of the site, I mean if you know the URL (Uniform Resource Locator)  or the name of the site, say my site name – and you directly type the site name on the search engine, then you will find out the site. But if you do not know the site name but you wish to find a specific topics, for instance if you want to know something about Types of Breathing Exercise or Pranayama, then you must type these relevant keywords, say – pranayama types, types of pranayama, types of breathing exercise or breathing exercise types and so on

When you are typing your desired search term or keyword on the search engine, within a few seconds some of the high ranked websites or blogs will show on the results pages of your desktop or laptop computer screen.

Now click on your desired site you wish to see, as you have already seen a title of a site page or post and a small Meta description is written under each search result. Read the Meta description and go for that.

What is Page Rank?

Generally a PageRank is the number that Google assigns to each website and even each of the website pages within its index, on a scale of 0 to 10 in numbers, to show its algorithm’s calculated assessment of the overall essentiality of the site or blog and even how it would rank in a search results. Though it is not only a single algorithm used by the google to index websites and shows on its search engine results page but also the first algorithm that was used by Google and due to that it is well-known to all.

More clearly we can say that a PageRank results is a form of mathematical algorithm which is based on the webgraph invented by www (World Wide Web) pages as nodes and hyperlinks. The rank of a page or a website or blog depends upon the importance of a particular page. A hyperlink to a page counts as a vote of support. A page which has linked with many other important pages usually receives a high rank itself.

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