Search Engine Optimization (SEO, SEM and SMO Tricks.)


SEO, called Search Engine Optimization is a very difficult area for beginners. SEO is generally, based on some common and some complex rules that depends on mathematical algorithm. Optimization your site is very important. The well you optimize your site the well you get good results in a search engine results page. This is very crucial. Your sites visitors or traffics fully depend on your good search result in a search engine result page.

In this section, I have discussed some essential Basic and Intermediate SEO Tips that will surely boost your website for getting a good rank in a Search Engine Results Page. (1) On Page SEO and (2) Off Page SEO.

Excellent SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SMO (Social Media Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) Tips and Tricks to improve your webpage rank on Google, Bing, Yahoo, MSN. Here, I have discussed almost all good SEO tips (100 SEO Tips) for websites. 

If you are doing SEO Analysis for your website/blog then it is great or if you are not doing, then I can say, “NO SEO MEANS NO VISITORS”. So start doing SEO now with the help of our Hundred SEO Tips.

You should do both On Page and Off Page SEO at the same time, because both are important. The Top 100 SEO Tips surely helps you get knowledge about SEO Tips for beginners, SEO Tips of Intermediate professional and SEO Tips for Advanced level professional step by step. 

1. Start finding which websites are ranking on the first page of a search engine results pages, try to find out putting different keywords. Like, Google, Yahoo, and Bing etc.

2. Always keep on your optimization on a weekly or a monthly basis, because the strategy you would have been taken for your website or blog, need to review over and over again after a certain time. As you know, no strategy is permanent.

3. You can finish your website or blog as soon as possible you can, but always keep on updating the contents and topics to attract more traffic.

4. Content is the king of your website/blog. So, try to make interesting and descriptive the content for your website or blog to read for your visitors. (Do not copy and paste contents from other sources. It is very bad and it will be tracked by search engine and for using duplicate contents and can mark as spam.)

5. Always maintain Quality Content for you website. Quality content means 100 per cent quality with good key word density and with headings and catchy sub headings with adequate keyword are necessary.

6. The Title of the Content should be unique and catchy, that can directly attract your visitors without looking others. The title of your post should be more than 65 characters.

7. Try to write a good Meta Description, this is very much important for indexing in a search engine results. You should use relative Meta description i.e. a short description for your post or articles, which should be unique and catchy.

8. Maintain an optimal Keyword Density.

See More: About Keyword Density.

9. You should make a SEO friendly URL (Uniform Resource Locator). For instance, if you wish to make a yoga blog/website, you can choose a url that can cater your main keyword in the url. I mean, you can choose, yogaam, yoga4all, yoga2all, yogahub, yogaworld, yogacorner etc.

10. Your Targeted Keywords or Main the first and last paragraph of each article that will boost your search results. Keywords should be in the first paragraph. Your main keyword should use in title.

11. You can write heading and sub headings for each paragraph, this will good for your SEO.

12. Focus Keywords which are relevant to your content, but try to focus on Less Competitive but Higher Searchable Key Words.
You should optimize your images. Image optimization is also very important for Search Engine Optimization. Add name of the images and use Alt Tags for it.

13. Never consider your website to be completed. Try to add more and more content for your website, but surely your content need to be unique with catchy title and subtitle. Regular update will increase your visitors, or else you can update on a weekly or fortnight basis. 

14. Try to write an unique title for a content of 500 words, not to lengthy or too short. Try to make the Title from 65-75 in characters (including space) and try to write some good and catchy sub-headings of an article. Generally Google crawler searches almost 200 words in an article, it can be from the first paragraph of your article or middle or at the last paragraph. 

15. Special Tip and Trick: Try to give very unique 200 words of a paragraph of your article.

16. Think especially for the font of your article. You can use 14 font for English. You can use Times New Roman or Calibri (Body). Use a few important lines in Italic, Bold and may use Underline to highlight some specific lines or words.

17. Try to write down small paragraph of each article. (Because sometimes visitors or readers do not want to read too long paragraph, therefore they can go out from your site, if you write small paragraph with catchy sub-headings it will increase charms of your readers. 

18. For instance, if you write an article for about 700 words and think to divide the article in 230 words individual paragraph, then give some unique sub headings for each paragraph. For example if I write something about Yoga….

Title: Anusara Yoga for Higher awareness of your mind.
Introduction to Anusara Yoga (230 words)
How to practice Anusara Yoga (230 words)
Benefits of Anusara Yoga (230 words)

19. When you are using keywords for your desired article. Try to maintain at least 2-3 percent (%) keyword density, not more than that because if you use too much keywords it will be an issue and at that same time if you use too less keywords then also that will be an another issue. So try to maintain the keywords according to the need. Google only crawls those article or web pages those are on an average in keywords but your usable keywords should be perfect according to the theme of the article. Suppose if you are writing an article about Yoga, then you can use (yoga, yoga pose, yoga posture, pranayama and yoga etc.)

20. Submit your website or blog to search search engines. Google. Yahoo. Bing etc. When you submit your site or blog URL to the search engines, after a few days the crawler of a search engine will crawl your website or blog and will show you on the search result page. After your site or blog crawled by a search engine you can type your URL in the Google, Yahoo or Bing search box and the search engine will show your site. For search engine submission you can follow the link: For Google   I For Yahoo I For Bing 

21. Get direct advice from Google. Via Webmaster Guidelines and Webmaster HelpVideos

22. Try to avoid penalties by Google. If any of the giant search engine gives penalties to your site for different reasons, (which I have discussed on another post in this blog) then you will lose visitors and as you know visitors are the life of your blog.

23. You are making a site for your visitors not for others. Try to design your site or blog for your visitors not for the search engine rank. Your website information (Content) is the king of your blog or site. So write adequate and informative contents for your site that your blog or site can attract visitors directly for your high informative site.

24. Set-up Google Webmaster tool for your site or blog. You can get all the desired information about your blog. By which keywords your site or blog is ranking, your visitors (known or unknown) are searching your blog or site by which keywords and which sites are linked with your site etc. will show in Google webmaster. This will help you to do keyword analysis.

25. You can set up Google+ page or linkup with our blog or site for higher promotion for your business. It will help your site to improve ranking and for localized keywords.

26. You can use PPC, commonly called Pay Per Click instead of SEO. Whether you do PPC  and surely if you can afford it to do so you can improve your traffic (visitors) directly for any keywords you want.

27. Always try to use high quality back links (Inbound of out bound links) for your blog or website. Avoid low quality back links for your blog or site, because using low quality back links can be penalized by the search engine.

28. Special Tips and Techniques for Back links (Inbound and Outbound links). Hope that you have seen Wikipedia several times. I hope you have already found out that Wikipedia set links its own another page with different pages at the bottom of every pages. And it also make links with different words in an article or page. The outcome is that it increases the page rank as well as creates inbound and outbound link both in a same website. An another advantage is that a visitor will see all the relevant links and latest or top pages at the bottom of a page and he or she needs not to go out to the other pages for finding information. It will also increase impression of a website and also look after the bounce rate.

29. Do not copy contents from other websites of blogs, using duplicate contents will make your site spam, you will lose your potential visitors and lose your ranking as well. On the other hand if you find other sites or blogs which copied your contents, you can email to the respective admin to delete it from their blog or site, otherwise you should change your content from your blog or site and should write another original one.

30. You should make your blog active all the time. For that reason you have to post regularly. Such as, informational blog post and video post. Why I am telling you to post videos and video based content for your blog? Because there are different people who do not like to read text posts, often they like to read and see videos. So you always need to look after every kind of visitors. 

31. You should read different blogs and site and you should comment in their blogs or sites. Reading different business blogs are not only helpful in increasing your knowledge but also helps you to connect with different professional. And blog commenting is a great exercise, if you do it on a regular basis; it will surely boost your blog or site's search engine rank. 

32. Try to start keyword research when you just launched your website or blog. Or if you have already a full website or blog but you need to add some additional pages and if you newly added some, then you can start your keyword research targeting mid level competitive keywords first and then go for high competitive keywords, sometimes you can use long keywords that is really very good. Some people search with a long tail keyword to search specific information.

33. A search engine does not want to rank a web page or blog page which has just launched a few days or month before and which is not so valuable and can only last for a short period of time. It really takes a couple of time for a website or blog to attain that ladder. You need to have patience and constant research to touch the apex.

34. Try to set up a 404 error page that obviously should be useful. If you link with your best of the bests content from your 404 page, it means that your visitors or readers of your blog or site less likely to depart from your site.

35. You can use 301 redirects. As this is very much useful whether you want to change the URL of page for your blog or site, but remember one thing, you should not redirect the old one to the new url.

36. Try to use rich snippest. Using rich snippest provides some of the additional date about your blog or site to the search engines which will surely improve the visibility of your website’s listing in the search engine results.

37. Try to use header tap for better optimization and to get the better result in the search engine. Use these kinds of tags (H1, H2, H3, H4 etc.) in the title tag.

38. Try to use very clear and easy to understand URL structure. Do not make your url structure very long. Try to make it that a user can able to understand in a look at its URL.

39. It is good for your site if you adopt flat site architecture that any of the pages of your site can be accessible within 3-4 clicks from your homepage.

40. Try to choose using www or not using www. Make ensure that your website is set to load at www.yoga2all.com or yoga2all.com but not both of it.

41. I have seen lots of the people think about PR (Page Rank). But from my point of view I can say you that you need not to be worried about PR. Sites with a low page rank can and sometimes do outrank sites with high page rank.

42. Try to make your blog or website for your visitors not just for search engine. Because giant search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. give priority to those sites or blots which is rich in content with useful keyword and maintain white hat SEO.

43. Ranking can be worthless if it do not serve the purpose of your blog or site visitors or high number of traffics who will generate sales ultimate. Yes if you are running a business blog or site.

44. Maintain a clear site structure that a visitor does not get confused.

45. Know your rank and how you can improve your ranking using Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics. Just go to Traffic and then go to Search queries to see where your website or blog is ranking for keywords.

46. Think to get rank among the 3 not just among the top 10. Whether your website or blog is not getting rank among the top 3 for a keyword then you can only get a very small percentage of visitors from keyword search.

47. More content means more ranking in a search engine result page. So, try to write articles/posts for your website or blogs which is rich in keywords. You can take help in search good keywords for you blog or website, from www.tool.io www.googleAdwords keyword planner www.keywordtool.io www.ubbersuggest.org www.buzzstream.com (One of the good Meta Tag calculator) www.keywordeye.com www.copyscape.com (Plagiarism checker) www.siteliner.com (Plagiarism checker) etc.

48. You should not write your article/post only for search engine page rank, you should write for your visitors, because your visitors are your blog asset. You should think about a post that can serve the purpose of your visitors. Yes, you can use keyword rich content in getting a good result and rank in a search engine, but at the same time your visitors are king for your blog or website. You need to think that you are making a blog or a website for providing information to your visitors, not just for search engine. If your blog or website cannot serve the purpose of your visitors, then it is just wasting time only.

49. If you are making a website or already launched a website, which is very informative and covered wide ranges of topics and can serve huge number of visitors, then it is really very good for your blog future, but at the same time you can add a blog to your website that you can show to your visitors and you can post new pages with new topics for your new and existing visitors. And, from the point of SEO, as usual more keyword rich content and more good rank.
People generally will like your blog or site whether you offer them to use your blog or website content on their site. So you can offer them to use, but before that tell them to take permission from your side.

50. You can use long-tail keywords in your content. These types of keywords are a great source of traffic. It has been proved that long keywords with phrases which has more than 4 words, found more than 40 percent in total search.

51. Try to dedicate one page of your website to each keyword that your are targeting. It helps the search engines to categorize and rank your web or blog pages.

52. Always add keyword in the proper place of an article or post, do not force a keyword to write in a sentence which is not necessary. Try to make it meaningful in using in a sentence that readers may not feel that you used the keywords just forcefully without any reason, just to get a good search result in a search engine.

53. Try to avoid using unnecessary keyword in an article or post or a webpage, if you use more and more unnecessary keyword, those are not relevant with the topics written in the webpage then you must be penalized by search engines. This repeatedly using keywords generally called “Keyword Stuffing”.

54. Backlinks are very much effective to boost your website or blog to get a higher rank, but you should use quality backlinks in your site. Back links generally are two types of – inbound links and outbound links. When a visitor is coming into your blog from an outside links then it is called inbound link and when a visitor is going outside from your blog or site to an another site then it is called outbound links. The quality of the backlinks you are using that need to be high. The number of quality links you post in your site will largely determine in what place your site ranks at present.

55. You cannot pressure anyone to post a link in his site, and or if anyone wants you post your site link in his site, that is absolutely his wish, if he does it. But it fully depends on the quality and value of a site.

56. You can purchase backlinks from outside but it is quite risky, because if anyone sells some backlinks to you and it is very cheap in price then it is sure that should not be good in quality, or from people who openly sell them. 


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